Eras of Cain Navigation Chart & Sci-fi Soothsayers Invitation
Your landing page for this biweekly serial experiment of ScifIRL with sciencey collab
Welcome to the Eras of Cain!
Come for the parallel universe cyborg clones, stay for the <insert your own concept!>.
I’ll set the stage for the first ten chapters. You can influence where the story goes from there—see instructions below!
Table of Contents
Quartet 1: Premiering Fri, Feb 2nd
Feb 2nd: Your favorite Maybe-Malfuncitoning, Maybe-Murderous Teenaged Cyborg Runs Away From Home
March 1st: I do the thing. Not THAT thing. I mean the murder thing.
To be announced…
Moody Playlist
Updated for Subscribers weekly to complement chapter vibes—join us to see unveiling!
Your Invitation to Sci-fi Soothsayers
Join us in the Scifi Soothsayers—think what Are You Afraid of the Dark’s Midnight Society did for ghost stories, but for sciencey stuff. If you like Sci-Fridays, your involvement could look a lot like that, only more long-form and collaborative.
Let’s create a collaborative community of science and sci-fi lovers where we:
Feature each other’s work,
Cameo characters in each other’s work,
Interviews to share excitement about real scientific breakthroughs,
Guest-write something for the Eras of Cain story,
whatever else you can dream up?
Ring in and Let me Know What Level of Engagement You’re Here for!
Like to let me know you’re looking forward to the experiment!
Comment to:
Introduce yourself, what sciencey stuff you like to write and read
Let us know what real science developments make you excited for the future
Share a link to your sciencey site
Select one of the prefab collab options above, or add on of your own!
Share your email if you want to receive the instructions for the Guest-write option!
I’ll go first. I’m a space nerd which is nice cuz I work in space industry. I like reading and writing character-driven stories where women do cool stuff. I especially like when there’s an arc toward hope driven by technological advances. I get really excited about human space exploration, and there’ll be a worldship-full of it in the Eras of Cain!
Your turn! <3 Let’s get this party started.
You know some things about me, so let me share sci fi things you don’t know!
My favorite sci-fi video game is Knights of the Old Republic.
My favorite sci-fi book is Dune.
I wrote 1 sci fi book and 1 cyberpunk series called City of the Spider.
As far as the future, I’m looking forward to seeing new innovations that help people with eyesight, spine injuries and also improved robotic limbs. I also would like to see hotels that are run by robots.
Hi all, my name's L.L. Ford (it's a pen name of course) and I am actually halfway through a PhD in developmental neuroscience! I do research into identifying circuits in the brain related to bonding and early life stress/trauma and specifically how that may impact children with Autism Spectrum Disorder differently (mind you I do all this in mice currently).
As for writing, I love my some good sci-fi, but I especially love cyberpunk and solar punk. Don't get me wrong, I also love stuff that takes me off into space, but I like the realistic stress of resource limitation and the (gosh what's that old short story called) "the cold hard calculations"(?) Of space.
I also like to play with perception as it's one of my favorite things in neuroscience. The visual system is like my own little passion, and in both sci-fi and horror, I like to play with the way people experience things and how it differs and alters our reality. That makes me thoroughly enjoy the intersection between sci-fi and fantasy which is what I mostly like to write!
Anyways, enough out of me! Can't wait to take part in this!